Calling all November babies! If your birthday is in November, you’re part of a lucky group! First of all, you have two options with regards to birthstones… citrine or topaz. Second, they come in a variety of colors and are relatively affordable! So if your birthday is in November (or you just want some beautiful gemstone jewelry), go ahead and drop a couple of hints on citrine and topaz. We’ve gone ahead and done a breakdown of citrine and topaz:
Not One, But Two Birthstones!
Yes… as I said, November babies are a lucky bunch! The whole idea of birthstones goes back to ancient times with the 12 stones of the High Priest’s chest plate mentioned in Exodus. For a period of time, it was popular to wear one gemstone each month of the year. In the year 1912, the Jewelers of America wanted to standardize the birthstones. Modern birthstones have been based on what is easiest to sell in large quantities. This is the reason why November has two birthstones… topaz is the original birthstone, however citrine was added later as a more affordable option.
Where are they found?
Topaz and citrine are both found all over the world. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Brazil are some of the leading sources of topaz, but it is also found in Russia, Australia, and even here in the US! In fact, ever heard of Topaz Mountain in Utah? It was named after its abundance of topaz! Citrine is truly found all across the globe, as it is a variety of quartz (the most abundant mineral on the earth).
Citrine: Healthy and Wealthy!
As previously mentioned, citrine is a variety of quartz. It is found in golden shades ranging from a pale yellow to a rich brownish orange. As it is fairly affordable, citrine is an excellent choice if you want to “go big”. It’s a nice way to achieve a large carat size without totally breaking the bank! Citrine is also known for it’s “healing properties”. Legend has it that it promotes vitality and energy for whoever wears it. Also, according to Feng Shui philosophy in China, citrine is known to create wealth and abundance. The name for “Citrine” comes from the Latin root word for “lemon”, and so it makes sense that this golden gemstone has been thought to be a healing crystal that brings happiness, health, and prosperity. An excellent choice for this seeking positive vibes only!
Topaz: The Symbol of Love.
Topaz comes in a variety of colors: yellow, blue, red, green, brown, violet, and pink. It can also be colorless! The most valuable and expensive shades of topaz are deep orange with pink undertones (called Imperial Topaz), and a yellowish brown shade (called Sherry Topaz). Imperial Topaz was named after the Russian Czars of the 19th century. Topaz is said to symbolize love, and is rumored to bestow strength and intelligence to whoever wears it. Blue topaz is also meant to symbolize the promise of love and fidelity.
Topaz and Citrine: Cleaning Tips
Although topaz and citrine are both hard stones (on the Moh’s scale of hardness), their shape can often lead to chipping over time. When wearing topaz or citrine jewelry, try not to knock it against hard surfaces, and keep it stored away from other stones when you’re not wearing it (don’t just throw it in your jewelry box with everything else). Also, remove your jewelry before coming into contact with harsh chemicals, hand lotion, or hand sanitizers. To clean your topaz or citrine jewelry, soak it in a solution of warm water and mild dish soap for 15 minutes. Then, gently remove any remaining dirt or impurities with a soft cloth (we like microfiber cloths) and pat dry.
Thanks for reading! If you have any more questions regarding citrine or topaz, or would like advice on a piece of birthstone jewelry… email us at
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