If you were born in December, you are lucky to have four choices when looking for birthstone jewelry. From the light, milky blues of turquoise, to the purpleish-blue of tanzanite, to the many shades of zircon, and the deep, rich hue of blue topaz… the options are truly endless, and you also have a wide variety of price ranges to choose from. Although zircon, turquoise, tanzanite, and topaz are gemstones that come in a variety of colors, typically blue shades are the popular choice for December birthstone jewelry. We have done a breakdown of the details of each beautiful December birthstone:
Ranging in color from bright to pastel blue, turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones. This beautiful December birthstone has been prized for thousands of years throughout history from the Aztecs to the ancient Egyptians. From ancient times to modern times, people have attributed certain “powers” to turquoise. Native American tribes believed turquoise offered protection, while in Persia, it was believed to ward off evil. Over the years, turquoise has developed a reputation for protecting people from evil or misfortune. The word “turquoise” means “stone from Turkey”, originating from when the stones were brought from Turkey to Western Europe. Fun fact: Queen Victoria gave her bridesmaids turquoise embellished brooches as gifts!
Zircon is another gemstone choice for all you December babies out there. It is the oldest rock ever discovered (found in Australia dating 4.4 billion years). Therefore, this could make it a timeless treasure when looking for December birthstone jewelry! Zircon can be found in a rainbow of colors, including blue, brown, green, orange, yellow, red ,and white. In fact, white Zircon is one of the most brilliant non-diamond gemstones, and is often used as a diamond alternative. Zircon is said to have the power to relieve pain, prevent nightmares, and protect travelers from harm. It is fairly durable compared to most gemstones, but still not as strong as sapphires or diamonds… so be careful with it! Avoid harsh chemicals.
Topaz has been prized for many centuries. Blue Topaz (typically recognized as December birthstone), becomes blue when it is heated (whether naturally or artificially), and can vary in intensity. Throughout history, it has been known to have healing properties that brought peace and clarity. Folk wisdom says that it also has the power to dispel sickness and anger. In recent history, blue topaz has been a favorite among European aristocracy. Kate Middleton, for example, wears a pair of blue topaz and diamond earrings for social occasions. London Blue Topaz and Swiss Blue Topaz are our favorite varieties for December birthstone jewelry… London Blue is a deeper, darker blue color, and Swiss Blue is a brighter, more electric shade of blue. Topaz is fairly durable (an 8 on Moh’s scale of hardness), just behind sapphires, however you should still take care when wearing this beautiful stone. Avoid ultrasonic / steam cleaning and stick to mild dish soap and warm water.
Tanzanite is a relative newcomer to the world of colored gemstones, but nonetheless it was one of the most exciting gem discoveries of the 20th century. Originating from Tanzania, it was named tanzanite. It is often described as “velvety”, mostly because of its deep and saturated color. With its vivid color, high clarity, and potential for larger carat sizes, tanzanite quickly became a sensation. This beautiful stone is a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness… so it is fairly durable, but you still must handle with care! It is resistant to the effects of normal heat, light, and common chemicals… but may crack if exposed to very high temperatures or harsh chemicals. Mild dish soap and warm water is the best way to clean your tanzanite jewelry.
Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something new about each of these beautiful stones and that you now have some inspiration for picking out your December birthstone jewelry! If you have any questions on birthstone jewelry or would like help designing or picking something out, email us at help@rachelandvictoria.com
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