Throughout time, getting a custom engagement ring was something reserved for the rich and famous. A jeweler creating your dream design from scratch? Just the thought of it makes most people think it’s out of their price range. Not anymore! At Rachel & Victoria, we made it our mission to bring that experience to anyone, no matter their budget. That being said, it’s not always the best choice for some couples. Below we’ll go over the benefits of each option, so you can decide what is the right choice for you.
Custom Rings Benefits:
- 100% Unique: A major benefit of choosing to go the custom route is knowing that no one else has the same ring!
- Ability to incorporate personal details: Getting to incorporate details personal to you is one of the main benefits of going the custom route. An engagement ring is one of the most important, substantial purchases you will make as a couple… so isn’t it only fitting that you would want to incorporate a little something extra?
- Curated diamond search: When you decide to pursue a custom engagement ring, you get the perk of getting a curated diamond search, specifically structured according to your budget, preferences, and setting type! This means we will personally consider all of the factors specific to your situation and search for the diamond accordingly. We’ll be shopping for your stone like we are shopping for our own to ensure you get the most beautiful, perfect stone that you can get.
- Hand Holding: Let’s be honest… we all like to be walked through things! There’s no shame in admitting the 4 C’s are confusing, and that this whole process is overwhelming. Making one of the most important purchases of your life while being extremely confused and overwhelmed is a recipe for disaster. Luckily, if you decide to go the custom route with us, we will walk you through each and every question you have.
Preset Engagement Rings Benefits:
- Turn around time: A downside of choosing a custom setting is the turn around time takes 2-4 weeks, but with preset engagement rings, you can have it in your hands within 5-7 days! This is super handy if you’re the spontaneous type… don’t have to plan too far ahead.
- Cuts the decision making in half: You see, you like, you buy. Done! This is a serious benefit for those that get overwhelmed easily, or that just want it to be as simple as possible. This option takes a lot of thinking and decisions out of the equation.
- Popular styles: Our Preset Engagement Ring styles are all styles that have been best sellers! These are our most popular settings, so you know if you choose one of these that there’s no way you can be too off base. These are all timeless while also being on trend, and that really helps some customers with their decision making process (especially if your S.O. has no idea it’s coming, or you have no idea what styles they like).
Check out our preset engagement ring!
In conclusion, there’s no universal right option… there’s only the right option for you! While getting a custom designed setting without the hefty price tag is ultra-luxurious, it doesn’t always make the most sense for everyone. There’s also something magical about not putting so much pressure on the setting, and getting lost in the spontaneity of it all. Think about it, do some shopping, or schedule a call to talk it through with us! We’re happy to walk you through it in a little more detail, or as always… email us!
“The way Rachel and Victoria took care of me when looking for a special engagement ring that wasn’t something picked off the shelf was amazing. They really know how to translate what’s in your mind into an actual ring that can be put on your finger!”
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